Future Self Solutions

Tel: 07501 226 800

Email: info@futureselfsolutions.com

Stress Management Support For Men

Are you a man struggling with stress, anxiety, anger or low moods?

Would you like to build your emotional resilience and start enjoying life again?

If so, we can help.

What We Do

Future Self Solutions is a Stress Management Consultancy / Coaching service created to provide Men with a safe, non-judgemental environment that will allow them to understand and better control the stressors in their lives, and importantly prevent such stressors developing into more serious health conditions and symptoms.

We will provide the support and expertise required to not only help you now but to also equip you with the skills that will allow you to navigate future stressful events and experiences. Please get in touch today and book your free 30 minute discovery session and start taking back control of your life.


Do you have a business or organisation that would benefit from support and advice in the area of Stress and employee mental health?

Presenteeism (the feeling of needing to appear present at work) is actually more a problem for employers now than absenteeism and is reported to cost businesses over £4000 in lost productivity per employee each year. It is also reported that mental ill-health costs the UK economy at least £117.9 billion annually.

We can provide bespoke training programmes, educational webinars and one to one coaching services to support your staff in this area. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and see how we can help you.


Are you Stressed?

Common Red Flags that you are stressed

Physical symptoms

  • Headaches/migraines or dizziness
  • Muscle tension or pain
  • Stomach problems
  • Chest pain or a faster heartbeat
  • Sexual problems

Mental symptoms

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Struggling to make decisions
  • Feel overwhelmed or as though you just can't get it all done?
  • Constantly worrying
  • Being forgetful (more than usual)

Changes in behaviour

  • Easily upset, frustrated, or snappy under stress
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Eating too much or too little or snacking on sugary and/or fatty foods
  • Avoiding certain places or people
  • Drinking or smoking more
Man looking out of window - Stress

If any of these symptoms or behaviours sound familar please get in touch to discuss how we can help.

Get in Touch